FayWhat?! has emerged as a powerful advocate for the LGBTQIA+ community, driven by a deep passion for representation and activism. Her journey into advocacy was sparked during the Trump presidency, a time that made her realize the importance of standing up for those who might not have a voice. As a Latina lesbian, she understands the critical need for visibility and representation. Hosting Queer News Tonight and In Bed with FayWhat?! has allowed her to fulfill her mission of keeping the community informed and engaged. Her connection with Pridelines began in 2015 when she was introduced to the organization by Tracey Carswell, the Youth Programs Coordinator. FayWhat?! started by volunteering to help paint their new location, and since then, her involvement with the organization has deepened. She holds a great admiration for Edward Summers, Pridelines' Executive Director, whose dedication to the community continuously inspires her to push forward in her advocacy. Participating in the Queerferno gala is a deeply meaningful experience for FayWhat?! She believes that events like these are vital for supporting LGBTQ+ youth, who are the future of the community. She sees Pridelines as a cornerstone in nurturing these young voices, helping them to grow into strong advocates who will continue the fight for equality and acceptance.
Looking ahead, FayWhat?! hopes that LGBTQIA+ stories will become a regular part of mainstream media coverage. She believes that staying informed is key to the community's strength and resilience. Her goal is for LGBTQ+ media to one day be seen as just another part of the broader media landscape, with the stories of the community being covered as frequently as any other.
What inspired you to become a voice for the LGBTQIA+ community through Queer News Tonight and In Bed with FayWhat?!? Life inspired me. Dare I say, Trump as President made me open my eyes to the fact that it was time for “All hands on deck.” As a Latina Lesbian - I know that Representation Matters. We all need to be screaming loud for the folks that can’t. At Queer News Tonight, the anchors are in their seats because of their voices. When offered to Host Queer News Tonight, on The Happening Out Network, I jumped at the chance. I will continue to inform OUR community however possible.
Could you share how you first discovered Pridelines and how your relationship with the organization has developed over time? I was introduced to Pridelines by Tracey Carswell, the Youth Programs Coordinator who “made” me volunteer to help “paint” Pridelines at their then new location on NE 4th Ct. - that was 2015. Since then I’ve had the honor to be reintroduced to Pridelines by Victor Diaz Herman and his passionate work. Now I’m secretly married to Pridelines Executive Director, Edward in an alternate universe where our beautiful children run free. All joking aside.
What does being part of the Queerferno gala mean to you, and why do you think events like this are important for our community? Simple - we do it for LGBTQ+ Youth - I’ve seen queer kids become Queer Adults who fight for our LGBTQ+ community. That’s paramount. Pridelines makes that happen.
What advice would you give to young queer journalists and media personalities who want to make a real difference? Be You. Shine bright. Be your own Boss. When working for Mainstream Media Outlets, your opinion is not part of your job. So it can be tricky. But, if you can, let All know the real stories of our community. Good, Bad or Fabulous. Speak up in editorial meetings or with your editors if you feel an issue is being misunderstood. There are amazing LGBTQ+ journalists in South Florida; Louis Aguirre at Channel 10, Craig Stevens at 7News, Scott Travis at the Sun Sentinel who covers Broward’s school board. In LGBTQ+ media you have Jason Parsley and John Hayden at Out South Florida who I respect greatly. Happening Out Television continues to be Unapologetically Queer like our community.